2517 RCACC Melville Legion Cadet Corps

#2517 Cadet Corps

Name –        Melville Legion Cadet Corps 

Location     Melville, SK

Formed     May 7, 1954     Disbanded       Active   

Commanding Officers/Chief Instructors- 

Capt Clarence George (1954-55) Biography


Staff Sgt Sol Nagler (1955-59)

Capt Abraham Nagler, CD (1959-84) Biography

Capt Peter Campagne (1984-88) Biography

Lt Gord Novak (1988-93)

Lt Dave Pilon  (1993)

Capt. Whiteoak  (1993-94)


Lt. Jim Fairbank  (1994-96)

Capt Gord Novak, CD (1996-2000)

Capt Jim Fairbank (2000-06) Biography

Capt Christine Shaw (2006-10) Biography

Lt Diane Yuzik (2010-11) Biography

Capt Reaud Bonneville, CD (2011-) Biography

Senior Cadets

unknown (1954-58)


C/Lt Steve Senyk (1959)

unknown (1960-61)


C/Lt Ernie Wiwchar (1962)


unknown (1963)


C/Capt Clarence Goebels (1964-65)

unknown (1966-77)


C/Capt Dave Stachowich (1978)

C/Capt C. Read (1979)

unknown (1980-81)


C/Capt D. Waldbauer (1982)

unknown (1983)


C/Lt Jason Stevenson (1984-86)

unknown (1986-90)


C/MWO James Yanish (1991-93)

C/CWO Stephanie Shaw (1993-97)

C/WO Karen Leonard (1997-98)

C/MWO Matthew Fairbank (1998-2001)

C/WO Christine Shaw  (2001-02)

C/WO Chris Fairbank (2002-04)

C/CWO Victoria Patzwald (2004-05)

C/WO Adam Mann (2005-06)

C/Sgt Christi Tank (2006-07)

C/WO Wayne Jarocki (2007-08)

C/WO Tim Patzwald (Sept – Nov 2008)

C/Sgt Christi Tank (Dec 2008 to Jan 2009)

C/MWO Chelsea Pongracz (Jan – June 2009)

C/MWO Chris Banow (June 2009-10)

C/MWO Melanie Elias (2010-11)

 C/MWO Jacob Reetz (2011 – Current)


Corps Flag

(Lt C. Shaw)

Corps Home

Royal Canadian Legion Br. No. 61 (Lt C. Shaw)



History –   

Formed 7 May 1954 (CAO Supp 401/54) and affiliated with 162 Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery RCA effective 1 January 1955. With the re organization of the Militia, affiliation was changed accordingly to 53 Field Regiment RCA in September 1960; 44 Independent Field Battery RCA in January 1967 and to 10th Field Regiment RCA in June 1967. The Corps is sponsored by Branch 61, Royal Canadian Legion. This Corps was formed 7 May 54, designated Melville Legion Cadet Corps. It was sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 61, Melville and affiliated with 162 HAA Bty RCA RF. affil.: 162nd Field Bty RCA, Jan 1, 1955. Effective Sep 66 the Corps re-affiliated with 53rd Fd Arty Regt RCA. In Jan 67 they became affiliated with 44th Indep Fd Bty RCA and in in Jun 67 their present affiliation with 10th Fd Regt RCA CA (M), 64th Field Battery, became effective.