Good Day!
Be advised, Microsoft has begun to make changes for the security of our systems. This applies to all 365 users.
Currently I am working thru all of the information but wanted to provide what i know today:
- To be compliant all accounts require MFA or Multi Factor Authentication for access. This may have already been pushed to your device requiring you to login or require to fully login again. Those who did not have an MFA account set up, will need to request a reset to IT Services, and set up to be able to login again.
- Teams – This also will be required to have MFA to log in. Once you have set up with the email, you will be able to login to the teams account as well.
These changes are mandatory as a part of the security hardening with Microsoft. This will ensure that the data and systems we use for the League in support of the cadet program are safe and set up to stop external hacking.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know.
IT Services